Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dang good food
Nei Wan
 Xin Zhu District
 Zhang Yan Rou Being Baptized!!!!!
 Zhang Family (Who were all baptized Saturday!!!)
 On one of our trips to Nei Wan the Zhubei district decided to join us, Elder Erickson decided he wanted a "father-son, trainer-trainee" picture done by the sketch artist there. We sat on the couch being sketched not knowing what it was looking like while passers-by stared. We were worried that he would have a had time drawing Americans and we'd end up looking the same.....

 Zhang family and the Elder Anderson. I am his mom (Elder Bogle is training which makes him his dad, therefore I'm his mom)
Zhang family, Elder Bogle, and I. This was an emotional night, I'm sitting next to my best friend Alfred.
 Sweet view of 101

 It says I heart Xin An, in my horrible character handwriting
 Guo Bing Jun, my new best friend!!!
 Me and my comp
 Me and 101
  Me, My Comp, and another Taiwanese Missionary @ a Kao Rou (barbecue) resturaunt
 Bunch of missionaries Kaoing Rou

Me, 101, my comp

Another week gone by. This week really flew by quick.


Zhang Family Got Baptized!!!! No I wasn't there for it, which is heartbreaking, but there is no way I will miss their sealing in 1 year. This is more than amazing. The odds of finding a big family like that and baptizing them in our mission are so small. I'm so happy I can't even describe it!!! They're going to heaven. I know that the Lord had an interesting mission map for me sending me to ZhuDong for only one transfer, but I know that the Zhang family is the reason I was there. In the end my companion and I left ZhuDong on fire. The other family we found there is doing really well, along with some other individuals we found there. Working with Elder Bogle was amazing. We worked our tails off and saw so many miracles. I'm so happy for ZhuDong and the Zhang Family!!!

Now back to XinAn

Things are going well here. I'm still feeling a little bit held back. I want to work harder, like I had been thus far on my mission, but I can't get out the door until my companion gets out with me. It's tough but we're working out the kinks and working better together. I want us to light Xin An on fire. The ward here is great, and they need some good new converts.

The greatest news from Xin An is Guo Bing Jun. HE IS AWESOME. He came into the church Saturday at the Temple Square, and the sister missionaries there gave him the tour that they do. They gave him a Book of Mormon and a baptismal date. And he lives in our AREA!!! He is 82 years old and sat in the foyer for 3 hours Saturday reading the Book of Mormon. Then he came to church Sunday where we Elders met him and taught him. He is the cutest old man EVER! He wanted to talk all about Lehi and his 4 sons and how he prophesied Jerusalem would be wicked!! He is awesome. When we taught him he started talking about his wife who passed away and how lonely he is and he starting crying, and then bore testimony that he believes in God and that everything will work out and he'll see her again. Then in his closing prayer he started crying again. He is so amazing, and I'm so excited for him to get baptized, and then do the work for his wife!!! He's awesome!

It's amazing how different the work is being right in the heart of Taibei and next to the temple as opposed to running around like crazy in the mountains of ZhuDong. No matter where I'm at I know the Lord needs me there. I know that everywhere has prepared people, it's all about having the faith to find them, Diligence to be out there finding them, Obedience to have the spirit, and Love to make sure they make it to baptism.

This is a wonderful place to do the work of the Lord. I'm privileged to be able to represent Jesus Christ in the beautiful country of Taiwan.

I love my waffle maker that makes waffles in the shaped of little penguins. YEAH BREAKFAST, it's the most important meal of the day. Syrup in Taiwan tastes like syrup in America, so no worries there.

I found a $19 dollar store!!! It's about 60 cents in USD. I bought a bell for my bike. My companion beat me to the bike bells and took the only American flag one... He's Taiwanese! So my bell is just blue. I think to Celebrate the 4th of July I'm going to steal his bike bell.

By the way, I've lost 30 pounds since I left the MTC. None of my clothes fit.

Love you all.

Elder White

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